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PEQ 이해하기(3) : Quebec Graduate 학위요건

앞 글의 내용 중에서 퀘벡 졸업장에 대한 내용입니다.


Québec diplomas eligible under the PEQ are:

PEQ 신청을 위해 적합한 퀘벡 졸업장은 아래와 같습니다.

- a Bachelor’s degree (university undergraduate);  학사 학위

- a Master’s degree (and an MBA);  석사 학위

- a doctorate;  박사 학위

- a Diplôme d’études collégiales techniques (DEC – diploma of college studies, technical training);

  DEC(컬리지나 기술교육과정의 diploma)

- a Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP – diploma of vocational studies) lasting 1,800 hours of study;

  DEP(1,800시간 이상의 직업훈련과정)

- a Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP – diploma of vocational studies) followed by an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP – attestation of vocational specialization) attesting to a minimum of 1800 hours of training and leading to a particular trade.

  특정분야에서 ASP(직업심화과정)을 수반하여 1,800시간 이상이 되는 DEP(직업훈련과정)

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