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캐나다 경험이민(CEC) 선착순 인원 변경



CEC가 기존의 12,000명에서 일단 올해 5월 1일부터 8,000명을 접수받는다고 발표가 있었네요.

다른 내용은 크게 변화는 없구요. 일단 아래 내용 참조하세요.



Canadian Experience Class:

This program is for people who already have skilled work experience in Canada and want to immigrate permanently.


Overall cap of 8,000 applications

Sub-caps of 200 applications each for any NOC B occupation

Six ineligible occupations: administrative officers (NOC code 1221), administrative assistants (1241), accounting technicians/bookkeepers (1311), cooks (6322), food service supervisors (6311), and retail sales supervisors (6211).

The new Ministerial Instructions will also re-confirm the existing pause of applications to the federal Immigrant Investor and Entrepreneur Programs.


첨부파일 다운로드




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